Elyse Kamibayashi

Love Has No Labels

Digital Campaign Strategy | Writing

The Project

On Valentine’s Day of 2015, The Ad Council’s PSA campaign, Love Has No Labels, made its debut, with its “Skeletons” video. And the internet wept. Two years later,

the Ad Council asked us to help them create a digital experience that could shift their audience from inspiration to action — from believing that love has no labels to practicing it.

Our site featured a collection of small, everyday actions people could take within the spaces they moved in — whether it was at school, at home, or at work.

We also featured stories from real people who experienced those little, everyday acts of love. Writing these involved creating a questionnaire script and then turning the transcripts into full-length articles that preserved the speaker's unique voice.

UX Designer: Katherine Olver a

Art Director: Mindy Wagner